How to set absence triggers and targets
Author: Claire Watt
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- Be aware that the accurate measuring and monitoring of absence is one of the main tools in an effective absence management system.
- Decide how to measure sickness absence in the organisation, bearing in mind the limitations of the different methods.
- Identify who will have responsibility for gathering sickness absence information, who will calculate the absence measurements and how and when this information will be communicated to line managers.
- Based on recorded absence measurements, set the absence triggers according to what the organisation deems to be appropriate, and identify the process to flag up when a trigger has been reached.
- Taking into account absence rates within the organisation, decide if an absence target is required and, if it is, what that target should be.
- Consider how the absence triggers and any targets will be communicated to employees.
- Ensure that line managers are equipped with the relevant skills and are following the absence procedure.