Managing your workforce out of lockdown webinar: Collective redundancy consultation - the process and pitfalls
Many employers will be faced with the possibility of carrying out redundancies over the coming weeks and months. With limited time to prepare and financial pressures mounting, carrying out a collective consultation process in the current environment may be a daunting prospect.
Processes that were familiar and well tested in the past are now operating against the backdrop of the furlough scheme.
In this webinar, employment lawyer Darren Newman navigates you through the law on carrying out a collective redundancy exercise and offers you practical guidance on how to adapt this to the "new normal" including:
- understanding when the obligation to consult collectively is triggered;
- the special circumstances defence;
- consulting with a remote workforce; and
- how the existence of the furlough scheme may influence the process.
This one-hour live webinar includes a question and answer session.