How to deal with an employee who returns late from holiday
Author: Karen Teago
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Understand that an employee who does not return to work at the end of an allotted annual leave period is absent without authorisation.
- Be clear that absence without good cause is a disciplinary offence and may constitute gross misconduct depending on the circumstances.
- Set out a policy on delayed return from holiday and contact requirements.
- Make efforts to contact the employee by appropriate means.
- On the employee's return, investigate the matter.
- Hold a disciplinary hearing if following the investigation you conclude that there is a case to answer.
- Consider the reason for the delay and the employee's attempts to make contact before deciding on appropriate action.
- Be aware that you are not obliged to make payment to the employee for the time, even where the delay is beyond the employee's control, unless the absence is covered by sick pay arrangements.