How to handle the situation where an employee goes off sick during a disciplinary process
Author: Tina Elliott
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Keep the disciplinary process intact until it reaches a conclusion.
- Complete as much of the disciplinary investigation as possible in the absence of the employee.
- If the absence is short term, complete the disciplinary process on the employee's return to work.
- If the absence is likely to be long term, seek medical advice as to whether or not the employee is well enough to take part in the process.
- Consider offering to hold the hearing at a neutral venue, or other concessions to facilitate the hearing.
- Consider if it is appropriate in the circumstances to invite the employee to make written submissions or nominate a representative to attend the hearing in their place.
- Bear in mind that there will be a risk of a finding of unfair dismissal if an employee is dismissed in their absence while off sick.