How to implement a phased return to work after long-term sickness absence
Author: Laurie Anstis, Boyes Turner LLP
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below:
- Consider whether a phased return to work is suitable.
- Seek full information from medical advisers on what the employee's medical condition is and how they think any phased return to work should be implemented.
- Consider the options for a phased return to work.
- Set up a meeting with the employee to discuss arrangements in relation to the phased return.
- Try to agree a plan with the employee, making reasonable adjustments where these are appropriate.
- Be clear about pay during periods of reduced working.
- Record the arrangements.
- Set and monitor targets.
- Where the phased return is unsuccessful, consider revising the terms of the phased return, or, as a last resort, dismissal.