How to support transgender employees who are transitioning
Author: Hilary Slater
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Take into account that "gender reassignment" is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and that individuals who have transitioned may apply for a gender recognition certificate.
- Be aware of the data protection obligations relating to information about gender transition under the General Data Protection Regulation.
- Appoint a contact person to manage the process of transition from the organisation's perspective.
- Ensure that the contact person and the employee agree a written action plan to manage the transition.
- Make sure that time off because of transition is treated no less favourably than absence because of sickness.
- Discuss with the employee what information should be provided to colleagues and clients about their transition and when this should be provided.
- Consider whether or not any issues arise from the organisation's dress code or single-sex facilities.
- Draw up a list of records and systems that must be amended.
- Do not disclose information about an employee's transition without their consent.
- Be aware of the implications of gender transition on insurance and pensions.