How to deal with a pay rise that coincides with an employee's pregnancy or maternity leave
Author: Darren Newman
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- Ensure that employees are not denied a pay rise that they would have received had they not been on maternity leave.
- Make a clear decision as to the amount of the pay increase.
- Recalculate SMP entitlement by applying the increased level of pay to the whole of the SMP calculation period.
- Bear in mind that SMP will need to be recalculated, even when the pay review comes after the end of the paid period of maternity leave.
- Be aware that a pay increase may result in an employee becoming entitled to SMP.
- Inform the employee of the pay increase.
- Pay the amount owing promptly.
- Be aware that contractual maternity pay may also be affected by a pay increase.
- Keep records of any changes made in the payment of maternity pay.