How to engage employees with their reward package through effective communication
Author: Nick Throp
Click on any of the hyperlinks to go to more detailed guidance below.
- Understand why communication is critical for the delivery of a successful reward programme.
- Make the link between the business strategy and reward.
- Be transparent and clear in communicating the reward philosophy.
- Secure a budget for communication.
- Appreciate the role of research and understand the techniques available.
- Identify target audiences and stakeholders, in particular the role of HR and line managers.
- Segment the audience into target groups.
- Create a set of messages for your reward offering and the elements within it.
- Select the appropriate communication channels and media.
- Develop a communication calendar/plan.
- Use words and pictures creatively to engage the audience.
- Articulate the cost and value of your reward offering.
- Consider whether or not it is desirable to develop a reward brand.