
Breach of contract

New and updated

  • Type:

    Do employers have the right to dismiss employees without notice?

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case of the week: Garden leave

    This week's case of the week, provided by DLA Piper, covers garden leave.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case of the week: Varying contracts of employment

    This week's case of the week, provided by DLA Piper, covers varying contracts of employment.

  • Date:
    27 February 2008
    Employment law cases

    TUPE case law update

    This article looks at some of the important judgments in the area of the transfer of undertakings over the past year.

  • Date:
    11 January 2008
    Employment law cases

    Transfer of undertakings: TUPE confers no additional rights on employees

    In Jackson v Computershare Investor Services plc [2007] EWCA Civ 1065, the Court of Appeal ruled that the provision in the TUPE Regulations to the effect that a transferred contract of employment will have effect after the transfer as if originally made between the employee and the transferee could not be construed so as to give the employee a contractual benefit to which she had not been entitled under her original contract.

  • Date:
    8 August 2007
    Employment law cases

    Contracts of employment: Notice rights on expiry of probationary period

    In Przybylska v Modus Telecom Ltd EAT/0566/06 the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that a tribunal was wrong to imply into a contract a term that the employer could carry out a review of the probationary period within a reasonable time of the expiry of the probationary period.

  • Date:
    11 July 2007
    Employment law cases

    TUPE: Share transfers

    In Millam v The Print Factory (London) 1991 Ltd [2007] IRLR 526 CA, the Court of Appeal held that where the operation - as opposed to the ownership of a business - transferred to a new owner, TUPE applied notwithstanding that the business was acquired on a sale of shares.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case of the week: Banking on the bonus doesn't pay

    This week's case of the week, provided by Addleshaw Goddard, covers discretionary bonuses.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case of the week: Restrictive covenants

    This week's case of the week, provided by Lovells, covers restrictive covenants.

  • Date:
    12 January 2007
    Employment law cases

    Helmet Integrated Systems Ltd v Tunnard and others

    In Helmet Integrated Systems Ltd v Tunnard and others [2007] IRLR 126 CA, the Court of Appeal has held that it was not a breach of contract or any fiduciary duties when an employee failed to inform his employer that he was taking preparatory steps to develop a product that was intended, following his resignation, to be marketed in competition with the employer.

About this topic

HR and legal information and guidance relating to breach of contract.