
Employment tribunals and courts

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  • Type:

    Must a person be authorised to represent a claimant at tribunal for reward?

  • Date:
    15 October 2007
    Employment law cases

    Information and consultation: Penalty imposed for serious breach

    Where the Central Arbitration Committee has found an employer to be in breach of certain obligations under the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004, the EAT may order the employer to pay a financial penalty to the secretary of state. In the first case to arise on this point, Amicus v MacMillan Publishers Ltd EAT/0185/07, the EAT ordered the employer to pay £55,000 in respect of a "very grave" breach.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case round-up

    Judith Harris, professional support lawyer at Addleshaw Goddard, outlines the latest legal rulings.

  • Date:
    17 April 2007
    Employment law cases

    Protective awards: A protective award for failure to consult a recognised trade union does not extend to cover employees in respect of whom the trade union is not recognised

    In Transport & General Workers' Union v Brauer Coley Ltd (in administration) [2007] IRLR 207 EAT the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that where a trade union is successful in proceedings brought for failure to consult on collective redundancies, the protective award cannot be claimed by any employees in respect of whom the trade union was not recognised by the employer.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case of the week: Injunctions to restrain disciplinary action

    This week's case of the week, provided by Watson Burton, covers injunctions to restrain disciplinary action.

  • Date:
    1 April 2007
    Employment law cases

    EC Directive not properly implemented

    The High Court has found that the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, as amended, does not give full effect to the revised EC Equal Treatment Directive, in Equal Opportunities Commission v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (12 March 2007).

  • Date:
    2 March 2007
    Employment law cases

    Equal pay: case law update

    This article looks at some of the significant judgments in the area of equal pay over the past year and their implications.

  • Date:
    16 February 2007
    Employment law cases

    Unfair dismissal compensation: Norton Tool not general authority for awarding more than actual loss

    In Burlo v Langley and another [2006] EWCA Civ 1778 the Court of Appeal holds that an employee's compensation for lack of notice was restricted to her actual loss where she would have been in receipt of statutory sick pay during the notice period.

  • Date:
    16 February 2007
    Employment law cases

    Points of procedure round-up

    A review of recent significant cases on practice and procedure in the EAT and the Court of Appeal.

  • Date:
    14 February 2007
    Employment law cases

    Metrobus Ltd v Cook

    In Metrobus Ltd v Cook EAT/0490/06, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has held that an employment tribunal did not err in increasing the amount of unfair dismissal compensation by 40% where an employer had failed to follow the statutory disciplinary and dismissal procedure.

About this topic

HR and legal information and guidance relating to employment tribunals and courts.