In Morrish v NTL Group Ltd [2007] CSIH 56 CS, the Court of Session has held that a pay in lieu of notice clause could not be implied into a contract of employment.
In Burlo v Langley and another [2006] EWCA Civ 1778 the Court of Appeal holds that an employee's compensation for lack of notice was restricted to her actual loss where she would have been in receipt of statutory sick pay during the notice period.
In Commissioners of Inland Revenue v Ainsworth and others, the Court of Appeal holds that workers absent through long-term sick leave who have exhausted their entitlement to sick pay are not entitled to four weeks' holiday pay when they have done no work during the leave year.
In Scotts Company (UK) Ltd v Budd, the EAT holds that an employee who had exhausted his contractual entitlement to sick pay, and had remained on unpaid sick leave for a year before he was dismissed, was not entitled to a week's pay for each week of his statutory minimum notice period.