
Sector focus

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  • Date:
    14 March 2019
    Commentary and insights

    Whistleblowing in the NHS

    Consultant editor Darren Newman considers whistleblowing in the NHS, focusing on the public interest test and the danger of working on the basis that an allegation is malicious.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Maternity leave: Redundancy form sent to employee's inaccessible work email address

    In South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust v Jackson and others, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that, as long as the miscommunication came from an administrative error, an employee whose redundancy redeployment form was sent to an inaccessible work email address was not unfavourably treated because she was on maternity leave.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Breach of contract: Suspension must be "reasonable and proper" response to misconduct allegations

    In London Borough of Lambeth v Agoreyo, the Court of Appeal held that the proper test for the courts for deciding if an employee's suspension breached the implied term of trust and confidence is whether or not the employer's decision to suspend was a "reasonable and proper" response to the allegations.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Positive action: Police force's recruitment process discriminated against white heterosexual man

    In Furlong v Chief Constable of Cheshire Police, an employment tribunal held that a police force's recruitment process discriminated against a white heterosexual male candidate who was rejected after the positive action provisions in the Equality Act 2010 were applied to a pool of 127 applicants who passed the interview stage.

  • Date:
    25 February 2019
    Commentary and insights

    What do workforce equality standards mean for NHS employers?

    Equality is high on the agenda of most NHS employers. As well as being subject to the gender pay gap reporting regime, NHS employers are required to comply with an equality standard in relation to race, and from April 2019 will be required to comply with a standard on disability. Nicky Green from law firm Capsticks explores what the standards mean for NHS employers.

  • Date:
    19 February 2019
    Commentary and insights

    Trauma and stress: Supporting workers' families

    We explore the potential impact of workers' exposure to traumatic events and other stressful environments on their families and look at some of the measures that employers can take to support those families.

  • Type:
    Employment law guide

    Internal transfers and promotions: financial services

    Updated to include additional information on the FCA's new directory.

  • Date:
    11 February 2019
    Commentary and insights

    How will the "Good work plan" affect local government employers covered by the modification order?

    The Government has announced plans to change the way breaks in employment are treated, which could have a greater impact for local government than for employers in the private sector, due to the operation of the modification order.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    EAT rules that defamation complaint can form basis of whistleblowing claim

    In Ibrahim v HCA International Ltd, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that the worker's complaint that false rumours had been spread about him is an allegation of defamation and a disclosure of information that tends to show a breach of a legal obligation under the whistleblowing provisions.

  • Date:
    22 January 2019
    Commentary and insights

    The suspension of teachers when allegations against them concern the safeguarding of children

    With the Court of Appeal due to hear the appeal against the High Court decision in Agoreyo that the suspension of a teacher was a repudiatory breach of contract, consultant editor Darren Newman looks at the issue of suspension when it relates to safeguarding concerns.

About this topic

HR and legal information, news and guidance relating to specific industry sectors.