
Local authority information

Susie Munro

Editor's message: If you are an HR professional working in a local authority, you need to keep on top of developments specific to your sector, in addition to generally applicable employment law and good practice.

Restrictions on exit payments have been on the cards for a number of years. However, the £95,000 cap on exit payments was removed in February 2021, only three months after coming into force, with the Government acknowledging "unintended consequences". The Government has consulted on a new control process for exit payments and local government employers should be aware that further developments in this area could be around the corner.

While reform to exit payments is in theory aimed at high earners, at the other end of the scale, the rising national living wage rate combined with pressure on council funding has caused issues for local authorities in recent years. One area where this has been highlighted is payment for sleep-in shifts, particularly in the care sector. The Supreme Court dealt with the question of whether workers on sleep-in shifts are entitled to the national minimum wage in Tomlinson-Blake v Royal Mencap Society; Shannon v Rampersad and another (t/a Clifton House Residential Home).

Susie Munro, senior employment law editor

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HR and legal information, news and guidance relating to local authority employers.