
Sector focus

New and updated

  • Date:
    15 January 2019
    Commentary and insights

    Local authority staff transfers

    This article looks at the framework providing protection to staff transferring out of and between local authorities, in addition to that provided by TUPE.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Disability discrimination: Dismissal of shoplifting employee with tendency to steal

    In Wood v Durham County Council, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that the employee's tendency to steal was a manifestation of his disability and an excluded condition under the Equality Act 2010 (Disability) Regulations 2010.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Age discrimination: Interviewer says "I've just noticed how old you are" to interviewee

    In James v Coedffranc Community Council, an employment tribunal upheld an unsuccessful job applicant's age discrimination claim after an interviewer said "I've just noticed how old you are" and jotted down older candidates' ages on interview notes.

  • Date:
    27 September 2018
    Commentary and insights

    Police officers

    We examine the unique status of police officers and the implications of that status. We also look at how the terms and conditions of police officers are both determined and changed.

  • Date:
    22 September 2018
    Commentary and insights

    HR challenges presented by the nature of the police service

    We explore the unusual nature of the police service and the challenges that this creates for HR.

  • Date:
    22 September 2018
    Commentary and insights

    Police staff, special constables and volunteers

    We examine the status of police staff who, unlike police officers, are subject to normal employment legislation. We also look at the status of special constables and volunteers.

  • Date:
    22 September 2018
    Commentary and insights

    Police service governance

    We explore the tripartite arrangement on which the governance of the police service in England and Wales is based. We also look beyond the bodies that are party to the tripartite arrangement to a number of other important organisations that impact on HR in the police service.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Notice to department did not constitute resignation from employer

    In East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust v Levy, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that an employee's letter of notice to her department did not amount to a resignation from the respondent's employment because the wording used was ambiguous.

  • Date:
    5 September 2018
    Commentary and insights

    Local authority pay and grading structures

    This article looks at the pay structure for local authority employees, set out in the National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service (the Green Book).

  • Date:
    4 September 2018
    Commentary and insights

    Redundancy payments and procedures in local authorities

    This article looks at the framework for making compensation payments on redundancy and local authority redundancy policies in general. It also looks at various Government proposals for reforms to public-sector exit payments.

About this topic

HR and legal information, news and guidance relating to specific industry sectors.