Many employers will be faced with the possibility of carrying out redundancies over the coming weeks and months. Employment lawyer Darren Newman navigates you through the law on carrying out a collective redundancy exercise.
Nick Chronias, partner at DAC Beachcroft, guides you through the legal and practical considerations of running a collective consultation process with a remote workforce.
Changing the defined contribution (DC) pension scheme might be something organisations are considering in the context of furlough or simply in the course of your ordinary business. Done well, change exercises can be a great opportunity to educate and engage employees about pension benefits. Helen Rowan identifies eight practical steps that HR teams should consider to make the pension change a success.
The law on informing and consulting on pension scheme changes, including the application of the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Consultation by Employers and Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2006, and arranging the election of employee representatives.
In Cadent Gas Ltd v Singh, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that an employee was unfairly dismissed due to his trade union activities and that his manager's hostility towards him could be attributed to the employer.