
End of employment

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  • Date:
    15 February 1997
    Employment law cases

    Contract of employment: Wrongful dismissal released employee from contractual obligations

    An employee who was dismissed without notice in breach of his contract of employment was released from the further performance of that contract and so was not bound by his contractual obligation to repay relocation expenses received from his employer, holds the EAT in Pearce v Roy T Ward (Consultants) Ltd.

  • Date:
    15 January 1997
    Employment law cases

    Wrongful dismissal: Damages awarded for loss of salary increases

    The service contract of a company chief executive imposed a contractual obligation on his employer to review and provide an annual upward adjustment in salary, holds the High Court in Clark v BET plc and another.

  • Date:
    1 January 1997
    Employment law cases

    Misconduct: Drunken employees were unfairly dismissed

    In Williams and others v Whitbread Beer Co the Court of Appeal restores the decision of an industrial tribunal that an employer unfairly dismissed three employees for drunken, abusive and violent behaviour in circumstances where the misconduct took place outside work and where it was the employer who had provided the opportunity for the employees to drink.

  • Date:
    1 December 1996
    Employment law cases

    Selkent Bus Co Ltd t/a Stagecoach Selkent v Moore

    In Selkent Bus Co Ltd t/a Stagecoach Selkent v Moore [1996] IRLR 661 EAT, the EAT set out guidance to industrial tribunals on the criteria to take into account in deciding whether to grant leave for amendment of an originating application.

  • Date:
    1 November 1996
    Employment law cases

    Redundancy: Relevance of "Compair Maxam guidelines"

    In Akzo Coatings plc v Thompson and others, the EAT holds that an industrial tribunal erred in law in applying the guidelines on redundancy selection in Williams and others v Compair Maxam Ltd to the way in which an employer dealt with the possibility of alternative employment for redundant employees.

  • Date:
    1 October 1996
    Employment law cases

    Deductions from wages: Individual notification of term authorising deductions required

    The posting in a factory of a notice which stated that accrued holiday pay would not be given to employees dismissed for gross misconduct did not amount to the requisite written notification to the workers of a contractual term authorising a deduction from their wages, holds the EAT in (1) Kerr v The Sweater Shop (Scotland) Ltd (2) The Sweater Shop (Scotland) Ltd v Park.

  • Date:
    1 August 1996
    Employment law cases

    Dismissal: Imposition of new terms amounted to express dismissal

    The unilateral imposition of a continuous rolling shift pattern in place of the traditional shifts previously worked by employees in accordance with their contracts amounted to an express dismissal of those employees, who reserved their right to complain of unfair dismissal even though they worked under the new system, holds the EAT in Alcan Extrusions v Yates and others.

  • Date:
    15 July 1996
    Employment law cases

    Contracts of employment: Restrictive covenants enforced after garden leave

    There is no legal basis on which a court can, in enforcing a restrictive covenant by injunction, allow some kind of set-off against the period during which the employee has been on garden leave, holds the Court of Appeal in Armstrong and others v Credit Suisse Asset Management Ltd.

  • Date:
    15 June 1996
    Employment law cases

    Transfer of undertakings: Employee's objection to transfer meant no dismissal

    An industrial tribunal was entitled to find that an employee objected to transferring to a new employer and informed his employer of that objection, holds the EAT in Hay v George Hanson (Building Contractors) Ltd.

  • Date:
    15 June 1996
    Employment law cases

    Implied terms: No implied contractual right to enhanced redundancy pay

    In Quinn and others v Calder Industrial Materials Ltd the EAT upholds an industrial tribunal's ruling that the employer was not in breach of contract by failing to make enhanced redundancy payments to redundant employees.