
Infectious diseases


New and updated

  • Date:
    20 January 2022
    Commentary and insights

    Mandatory workforce vaccination: Choosing the right approach for your organisation

    To what extent, if any, can an employer insist on knowing whether employees have been given their full course of COVID-19 vaccines? Even more importantly, can an employer make vaccination a requirement for continued employment? And is it fair to dismiss the vaccine hesitant? These are all issues that employers will have to grapple with in 2022, explains consultant editor Darren Newman.

  • Date:
    20 December 2021
    Commentary and insights

    Occupational health must develop "trustful" relationships to support long COVID return

    A return-to-work plan for an employee with long COVID should involve the worker, employer, line manager and occupational health professionals to ensure they receive the appropriate support.

  • Type:
    Legal timetable

    Temporary increase in timeframe for employees to submit medical evidence for sickness absence

    For periods of incapacity that start from 17 December 2021 until 26 January 2022, there is a temporary increase to the number of days during which employees are not required to provide medical evidence of sickness absence for statutory sick pay purposes from seven days to 28 days.

  • Date:
    8 December 2021
    Commentary and insights

    The 10 most important employment law cases in 2021

    Despite the coronavirus pandemic, HR professionals have had their fair share of employment law rulings to keep track of in 2021. We count down the 10 most important judgments of the year that every employer should know about.

  • Date:
    3 December 2021
    Commentary and insights

    Employment law in 2022: Eight action points for HR

    As well as continuing to deal with workplace issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic, there will be many other important employment law developments for HR to grapple with in 2022. What does HR need to do to meet its obligations and prepare for the coming year?

  • Date:
    19 November 2021
    Commentary and insights

    COVID-related employment cases: 10 key lessons for employers

    Employment tribunals have been deciding coronavirus-related cases throughout 2021. We set out 10 key first-instance rulings related to the pandemic and highlight what lessons employers can learn from them.

  • Date:
    16 November 2021
    Podcasts and webinars

    Podcast: COVID-19 employment tribunal decisions

    How are employment tribunals approaching claims arising from the coronavirus pandemic? We explore the most important decisions handed down so far this year and discuss their practical implications for HR.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Furlough scheme and unfair dismissal: Employment tribunal round-up

    We look at four employment tribunal cases in which the claimants argued that their employer's failure to make better use of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme rendered their dismissal unfair.

  • Type:
    How to

    How to implement a hybrid working model

    Expanded with further detail on whether employers need to change employees’ contracts when implementing hybrid working.

  • Date:
    7 October 2021
    Podcasts and webinars

    Webinar: Disability inclusion at work - the why and the how

    Karen Jackson, founder-director of Didlaw, and Jen Rooney, workplace wellbeing and disability inclusion specialist, discuss how organisations can advance disability inclusion in their workplace.

About this topic

HR and legal information and guidance relating to infectious diseases.