
Infectious diseases


New and updated

  • Date:
    3 February 2021
    Case studies

    How Orbit Group introduced a "post-pandemic" homeworking programme for 850 employees

    Orbit Group talks to XpertHR about WorkSmart, a programme to allow staff to continue to work from home even when there are no coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions in place.

  • Type:
    Survey analysis

    Workforce planning and business confidence survey 2021

    XpertHR surveyed organisations on workforce planning during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and found that, generally, employers remain confident in the overall business outlook for the year ahead.

  • Type:
    Survey analysis

    HR roles survey: Response to the coronavirus pandemic and priorities for 2021

    The response of the HR community to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been to put people first, while also supporting business continuity during exceptional circumstances. It is unsurprising then, that wellbeing tops the priority poll for the profession for the coming year, coupled with employee engagement.

  • Date:
    8 January 2021
    Commentary and insights

    Is remote working here to stay?

    Nick Martindale investigates the long-term changes to working patterns and the future of the workplace following the changes brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Gig economy: EU health and safety rights extend to workers, High Court rules

    In R (on the application of the Independent Workers' Union of Great Britain) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and another, the High Court held that the Government has failed to implement properly EU health and safety Directives by excluding workers from the UK implementing legislation.

  • Date:
    30 November 2020
    Commentary and insights

    Building HR resilience during the coronavirus

    HR has been on the frontline of organisational response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, meeting every challenge thrown its way. But there is concern among the HR community that the pressure being placed on them is putting their own health and wellbeing at risk. Graham Brown looks at how HR professionals can build their resilience levels during the current crisis.

  • Date:
    24 November 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Podcast: Coaching skills for line managers

    Rosie Evans, behavioural scientist, discusses how HR can approach coaching, onboarding and evaluating remote workers in an emotionally intelligent way.

  • Date:
    11 November 2020
    Commentary and insights

    Employment law: Seven key tasks for HR in 2021

    2020 was the year that HR was required to react to the unexpected, but it's now time to plan for the known challenges in the coming year. We look at what HR can do to prepare for 2021.

  • Date:
    10 November 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Podcast: Building HR resilience

    Sarah-Jane Georges and Allen Liedkie from drama-based behaviour change company Steps join us to discuss the best ways to develop behaviours to build resilience within HR during ongoing uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Date:
    29 October 2020
    Commentary and insights

    Managing international business travel during coronavirus and Brexit

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has made business travel increasingly complex, and the end of the Brexit transition period could complicate it further. Louise Haycock and Heidi Cook of Fragomen outline the key issues that employers need to consider when employees undertake international travel for work.

About this topic

HR and legal information and guidance relating to infectious diseases.