
Infectious diseases


New and updated

  • Type:
    Survey analysis

    HR and coronavirus survey: Two steps forward, one step back

    As the Government's coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions tighten once again, we asked HR practitioners how their businesses are planning for the ongoing reality of coping with the pandemic.

  • Date:
    29 September 2020
    Commentary and insights

    A return to working from home - five things for HR to consider

    Latest announcements from the UK Government on managing the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic include recommending employees should once again work from home and new measures to subsidise wages. Graham Brown looks at the implications of these new announcements for employers and how HR can ensure they and their organisations are well prepared for the possible introduction of further strict lockdowns at a local or national level.

  • Date:
    29 September 2020
    Commentary and insights

    Coronavirus: The HR challenges continue

    After a period of relative stability, the number of COVID-19 cases is on an upward curve. Local lockdowns have been enforced and government guidelines are constantly changing, all of which presents new and ongoing challenges for HR.

  • Date:
    28 September 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Podcast: How to encourage mental health wellbeing among employees

    Richard Martin, from the employment relations and HR training provider byrne-dean, joins us to discuss managing mental health wellbeing.

  • Date:
    6 August 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Managing your workforce out of lockdown webinar: Pay and economy trends

    In this webinar, we review the key trends in the UK economy and cover pay awards, inflation rates and other important factors.

  • Date:
    4 August 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Podcast: Whistleblowing during the COVID-19 pandemic

    David Whincup, partner and head of employment at the London office of law firm Squire Patton Boggs, discusses the key elements of a whistleblowing complaint, and shares his tips on how to deal effectively with protected disclosures in the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  • Date:
    31 July 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Managing your workforce out of lockdown webinar: Varying employment contracts - what you need to know

    Employment lawyer Darren Newman guides us through the process of varying an employee's terms and conditions including the procedure for dismissing and re-engaging an employee, and how to deal with an avalanche of flexible working requests from employees who want to make their lockdown way of working permanent.

  • Date:
    17 July 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Managing your workforce out of lockdown webinar: Avoiding discrimination claims

    Max Winthrop, partner and head of the employment law team at Short, Richardson & Forth, guides us through the current maze of discrimination law, and provides practical advice on what you need to bear in mind when making decisions on workforce matters.

  • Date:
    3 July 2020
    Podcasts and webinars

    Managing your workforce out of lockdown webinar: Engaging employees while leaving lockdown

    Victoria Lewis, CEO at byrne-dean, takes us through the challenges of returning to work after the lockdown and outlines measures to address them, while also incorporating and retaining the many benefits that have emerged.

  • Type:
    Survey analysis

    HR and coronavirus survey: Recovery or redundancy?

    As employers survey the economic legacy of the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown, XpertHR asked HR practitioners about flexible furloughing, job losses and the new realities of workplace life.

About this topic

HR and legal information and guidance relating to infectious diseases.