
Coronavirus - workplace management

New and updated

  • Date:
    8 June 2020
    Commentary and insights

    Lifting the lockdown: Permanent homeworking arrangements

    Many organisations moved to large-scale homeworking overnight when coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown arrangements were introduced. But as governments ease restrictions, some are now actively considering whether or not the arrangements could be made permanent.

  • Date:
    21 May 2020
    Commentary and insights

    Returning to work: Eight challenges identified by HR professionals

    Employers in England are being encouraged to reopen workplaces to staff who cannot work from home, while those in other parts of the UK are likely to be making plans ahead of similar moves. Sheila Attwood reports on how respondents to XpertHR's fourth HR and coronavirus survey are preparing for the return to work.

  • Type:
    Survey analysis

    HR and coronavirus survey: The return to work begins

    Two months after the UK went into coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic lockdown, workplaces in England are beginning to reopen. We asked HR practitioners about the issues facing them.

  • Date:
    28 April 2020
    Commentary and insights

    Coronavirus and workplace health and safety

    One current issue for HR is those employees who are concerned about being required to come into work during the coronavirus crisis. Consultant editor Darren Newman considers what the health and safety provisions of the Employment Rights Act 1996 mean for such employees.

About this topic

HR and legal information and guidance relating to workplace management during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.