A model letter to advise an employee who has suffered a stillbirth after 24 weeks' pregnancy of their entitlements in respect of maternity leave, parental bereavement leave and sickness absence.
A model letter to advise an employee whose baby has died after birth of their entitlements in respect of maternity leave, parental bereavement leave and sickness absence.
Practical guidance on supporting employees experiencing the menopause, including how symptoms can affect employees at work, managing absence and performance issues and ensuring that working conditions do not exacerbate menopausal symptoms.
OVO Energy talks to XpertHR about its approach to financial wellbeing and how it is helping its young workforce to save the money they need to buy their first house.
BBA Aviation talks to XpertHR about introducing an improved employee assistance scheme, appointing a network of trained mental health first-aiders, and training line managers to speak to their team if they spot signs of a mental health problem.
XpertHR's survey explores the steps taken by employers to manage mental health in the workplace, the role of line managers and the emerging use of mental health first-aiders.