Coming soon

Here we detail selected new and updated resources due to be published.

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New resources


Commentary and insights: Six tips to get your "right" rewards

With your reward programmes making up such a large percentage of your company's budget, it's no surprise that you need to be able to explain and prove their ROI. You need to get them "right". To help you, we set out six things to think about and address.

September 2024

Survey analysis and Benchmarking - HR metrics: Employee benefits 2024

A strong reward package is fundamental for employers to differentiate themselves from competitors and retain talent, so it needs to be in line with, if not go beyond, current market trends.

Our research examines the most commonly offered employee benefits. We also explore which benefits are flexible or voluntary, new and upcoming ones as well as the various ways organisations are supporting and developing their employees.

September 2024

Survey analysis and Benchmarking - HR Metrics: Review of pay awards 2024

With the majority of organisations having made a pay award for 2024 by now, our reports provide an overview of pay settlement trends over the past year, including breakdowns by industry sector.

September 2024

Commentary and insights: Navigating career development in a multigenerational workforce 

With individuals, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, bringing unique perspectives, aspirations and technological fluency, a "one-size-fits-all" approach to career development is no longer effective. Instead, fostering an environment of open communication, understanding and tailored support is paramount to unlocking the full potential of every employee.  

September 2024

Commentary and insights: M&A integration planning - seven key questions for the HR leader to ask

The work is done, the acquisition is complete. You have survived the early days which have been filled with employee sessions, meetings with key leaders and rising talent, communications to your new colleagues and your own business to keep everyone calm and focused, and so much more. Surely now you can relax and go back to your day job as an HR leader? Then someone asks, "When are you kicking off the HR integration?"

September 2024

Leading practice guide: Empowering ethnicity disclosure 

Data on ethnic diversity in your organisation is crucial, not only to assess current organisational diversity but also to shape future strategies that create an inclusive workplace. This guide will support HR leaders to initiate or improve ethnicity disclosure practices within their organisation.

Summer 2024

Survey analysis and Benchmarking - HR Metrics: Forecasts of pay awards for 2025

With budget planning for next year's pay reviews beginning to get underway, our research looks at the likely level of pay awards in 2025. We focus on what is driving forthcoming pay decisions, as well as the reward priorities for the year ahead. If you would like to take part in the research survey, please do so here.

October 2024

Survey analysis and Benchmarking - HR metrics: Redundancy 2024

Our new research exploring redundancy practice and policy at UK organisations. The analysis explores topics such as consultation periods, support for employees during a redundancy process and redundancy pay. If you would like to take part, please do so here.

October 2024

Future updates

Update to reflect duty to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment

Key information The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 provides for a positive duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their employees in the course of their employment.


  • A new leading practice guide on creating a working environment free from harassment.
  • Updates to the Bullying and harassment line manager training guide.
  • Updates to the Employment law guide on harassment.

The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023.

Expected date 26 October 2024

New template policy on allocation of tips

Key information The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 will require employers to have a written allocation of tips policy made available to staff if qualifying tips, gratuities or service charges are paid on more than an occasional and exceptional basis.
  • A new allocation of tips policy will help employers comply with this legislation.

The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 received Royal Assent in May 2023.

Expected date

Not yet known.

Update to reflect new right to neonatal care leave and pay

Key information The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay Act will entitle eligible parents to take up to 12 weeks' neonatal care leave if their baby requires neonatal care and neonatal care pay if they meet further eligibility requirements. 
  • New neonatal care leave policy explaining the rights of employees to neonatal care leave.
  • Suite of template letters to help support employers.
Status This Bill was introduced on 15 June 2022 and became an Act of Parliament on 24 May 2023. 
Expected date

Not yet known.