- Type:
- Employment law guide
Updated to include a reference to the protection from harassment measures in the Employment Rights Bill, published on 10 October 2024.
- Type:
- Leading practice guides
Enhanced with guidance on using artificial intelligence (AI) in the recruitment process.
- Type:
- Leading practice guides
Enhanced with new data on the experiences of LGB employees and their expectations from work.
- Type:
- Leading practice guides
Leading practice guide discussing the challenges LGB employees can experience at work and how employers can help to address and overcome them.
- Type:
- Employment law guide
Updated to include a reference to Thomas v Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, in which the EAT considered if a belief in English nationalism amounted to a protected philosophical belief.
- Date:
- 17 December 2020
- Type:
- Commentary and insights
While the focus has been on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, HR professionals have still had their fair share of employment law cases to keep track of in 2020. We highlight seven noteworthy cases from 2020 that employers should know about.
- Type:
- Employment law cases
In NH v Associazione Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI, the European Court of Justice held that a senior lawyer's comments on a radio programme that he would not wish to recruit homosexual people fell within the scope of the Equal Treatment Framework Directive (2000/78/EC) even though his firm was not recruiting, or planning to recruit, at the time.
- Type:
- Employment law cases
In Allen v Paradigm Precision Burnley Ltd and another, an employment tribunal found that homophobic comments made by colleagues to to a gay employee amounted to sexual orientation harassment.
- Type:
- Employment law cases
In Governing Body of Sutton Oak Church of England Primary School and others v Whittaker, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that an employment tribunal failed to identify an appropriate hypothetical comparator when deciding that a gay teacher's dismissal for inappropriate meetings with a pupil constituted sexual orientation discrimination.
- Type:
- Employment law cases
In Governing Body of Tywyn Primary School v Aplin, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) upheld a headteacher's constructive dismissal and sexual orientation discrimination claims after his school mishandled disciplinary action over his lawful sexual activities with two 17-year-olds he met through Grindr.