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  • Date:
    27 April 2009
    Employment law cases

    Contracts of employment: Tribunal erred in not determining to which aspect of a bonus scheme the employer's discretion attached

    In Small and others v Boots Co and another [2009] All ER (D) 200 (Jan) EAT, the EAT held that the fact that the employer had stated that a bonus was discretionary did not necessarily mean that it had no contractual effect. The employer's discretion could relate to: whether or not to operate a bonus system at all; whether or not to award a bonus in a given year; or the amount of bonus to be awarded.

  • Date:
    12 November 2008
    Employment law cases

    Blackburn and another v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police

    The Court of Appeal has held that paying bonuses to employees who worked night shifts did not constitute sex discrimination.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case of the week: Equal pay claims

    This week's case of the week, provided by DLA Piper, covers equal pay claims.

  • Date:
    24 December 2007
    Employment law cases

    Age discrimination: recent tribunal decisions

    A review of a number of recent employment tribunal decisions suggests that some employers remain unaware of the implications of, or are struggling with, the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/1031), which became law on 1 October 2006. The decisions also demonstrate the approach that the tribunals might take to the question of justification of discrimination and to the assessment of injury to feelings compensation.

  • Type:
    Employment law cases

    Case of the week: Banking on the bonus doesn't pay

    This week's case of the week, provided by Addleshaw Goddard, covers discretionary bonuses.

  • Date:
    17 April 2007
    Employment law cases

    Discretionary bonuses: Employer properly exercised discretion in making bonus payments

    In Commerzbank AG v Keen [2007] IRLR 132 CA the Court of Appeal held that an employer did not act in breach of the implied terms of a contract of employment in awarding to a highly paid employee lower bonuses than those recommended by his manager. Further, the terms of employment contracts are not covered by the provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.

  • Date:
    2 March 2007
    Employment law cases

    Equal pay: case law update

    This article looks at some of the significant judgments in the area of equal pay over the past year and their implications.

  • Date:
    23 June 2006
    Employment law cases

    Sex discrimination: Pro rata reduction of contractual bonus for ordinary maternity leave not discriminatory

    In Hoyland v Asda Stores Ltd [2006] All ER (D) 133 CS, the Court of Session holds that despite being described as "discretionary" a bonus scheme was "regulated" by the employee's contract of employment and therefore fell outside the scope of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.

  • Date:
    25 February 2005
    Employment law cases

    Deductions from wages: Failure to pay declared bonus was unlawful deduction

    In Farrell Matthews & Weir v Hansen, the EAT holds that a non-contractual bonus that had been declared constituted wages under s.27(3) of the Employment Rights Act 1996. The employer's failure to pay it therefore amounted to an unlawful deduction from wages.

  • Date:
    24 December 2004
    Employment law cases

    Fixed-term workers: Fixed-term detriment found despite application to other groups

    In Coutts & Co plc v Cure; Royal Bank of Scotland v Fraser, the EAT holds that, in a case where an employer refused to pay a non-contractual bonus to all non-permanent employees, including some fixed-term workers, the tribunal did not err in law by holding that the reason for the less favourable treatment was on the ground of the employees' status as fixed-term workers.

About this topic

HR and legal information and guidance relating to bonuses.

Bonuses: key resources

Tools for pay specialists