Practical guidance on how to select, devise and use a job evaluation scheme, for example for the purpose of introducing a single pay and grading structure or carrying out an equal pay audit.
In Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council v Bainbridge and Equality and Human Rights Commission and other appeals [2008] IRLR 776, the Court of Appeal held that a transitional pay protection scheme that, in effect, preserved the previous (unlawful) pay levels of men, while failing to offer equivalent higher pay to women engaged on work rated as equivalent, perpetuated historic indirect sex discrimination and was not objectively justified.
The Court of Appeal ruled in Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council v Bainbridge and others [2007] EWCA Civ 929 that a woman claiming equal pay may rely on a job evaluation study even where the woman's job has been assigned a higher value than that of her comparator.
In 1) Bainbridge & Ors 2) Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council v 1) Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council 2) Williams EAT/0424/06 & EAT/0031/07 the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that successful equal pay claims confer the right to up to six years' back pay prior to the institution of proceedings.
About this topic
HR and legal information and guidance relating to job evaluation.