In Georges v Pobl Group Ltd, an employment tribunal upheld a black employee's harassment claim after she attended diversity training at which the trainer wrote racially offensive terms on a flipchart and staff were encouraged to shout out the most offensive words that they could come up with.
Aviva talks to XpertHR about its mid-life MOT, designed to help employees in the 45 to 60 age bracket plan for the longer term, as well as to reduce employee attrition in this group.
The Government is consulting on taking forward its proposals to require large employers to publish ethnicity pay data. We investigate what shape the legislation might take; the challenges that an ethnicity pay gap reporting obligation would pose; what reporting employers are already carrying out; and the potential implementation timetable.
Inclusion is essential for high performance but too many organisations only pay it lip service, writes Lee Russell of learning consultancy OnTrack. But there are 10 steps companies can take improve inclusion, and thus productivity.
An employment tribunal has held that an employer fairly dismissed an employee for using a racist term in the presence of white colleagues. The tribunal was unimpressed with the claimant's arguments that he did not realise anyone was listening, did not intend to offend, and the word is "street talk" where he lives.