In the current tight labour market, a compelling benefits package can give an organisation the edge over competitors, helping to recruit and retain talent. XpertHR research looks at the most popular benefits and how they are delivered, benefits strategies and whether employees are involved in the choice of benefits offered.
A strong benefits package can set an organisation apart from the competition, helping it to attract new talent and retain existing employees. We look at some of the most common benefits in use, discover any changes made in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and ask employers about their main strategic focus for the next 12 months.
Employers routinely offer their employees a varied range of benefits and allowances to boost salaries. We look at some of the most common benefits in use and also ask about any changes made to the offering in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Benefits packages have an important role to play in an organisation's recruitment and retention strategy, particularly as the labour market remains tight. Our research examines the types of benefits and allowances offered.
Practical guidance on setting up a salary-sacrifice scheme, including benefits in kind that are exempt from tax and national insurance; the use of a reference or notional salary; and the role of HMRC.