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Hong Kong
Updated to include new information on employment visas and the scheme for visitors participating in short-term activities in certain sectors.
Updated to include additional information on the abolition of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) offsetting mechanism.
Enhanced to include information on the right to return after maternity leave and breaks for breastfeeding.
Updated to include additional information on pensions.
Updated to reflect a change to the public subsidy received by employers under the Youth Employment and Training Programme.
Updated to reflect changes to fines for failing to comply with an improvement notice.
Updated to reflect a change to the valid reasons for an employer to terminate a contract of employment.
Updated to include information on discrimination and harassment on the ground of breastfeeding.
Updated to reflect the most recent information (2022) on the number of registered trade unions and federations.
Enhanced to include information on official data services.
HR and legal information and guidance relating to Hong Kong.