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Updated to reflect a change to the capped amount for calculating statutory severance payments.
Updated to reflect changes to the fine for employing foreign nationals without a work permit and the fine for failing to employ people with disabilities.
Updated to reflect the 2025 rates for the statutory minimum wage and income tax.
Updated to reflect an increase to the compensation payable for failing to inform and consult in a collective redundancy situation.
Updated to reflect changes to the fines payable for health and safety breaches.
Updated to reflect an increase to the fine payable for failing to observe equality and non-discrimination provisions.
Updated to reflect changes to fines imposed for non-compliance with the obligation to document working hours and breaches of data processing rules.
Updated to reflect the postponement of changes to occupational health and safety rules.
Updated to expand the requirements for a remote working employment contract.
Enhanced to include information on official data services.
HR and legal information and guidance relating to Turkey.