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Updated to include additional information on compensation for employees where a fixed-term contract is not considered valid.
Updated to include information on changes to rules on termination of employment for unjustified absences.
Enhanced to include information on new safety requirements for certain employers.
Updated to reflect that the deadline for submitting the latest equality report has been postponed.
Updated to include additional information on occasional work.
An employment law guide to recruitment and selection in Italy, covering discrimination, advertising vacancies, selection, young people and children, employment of people with severe disabilities and foreign nationals.
Enhanced to include information on equality advisers.
Updated to include information on the new Quota 102 early retirement scheme and a change to the qualifying rules for the Anticipo Pensionistico Volontario.
Enhanced to include information on official data services.
Information on legal service providers for Italy employment law.
HR and legal information and guidance relating to Italy.