- Type:
- Employment law guide
Updated to reflect changes in PAYE arrangements for agency workers.
- Type:
- International
Updated to include additional information on temporary employment agency work in Argentina.
- Type:
- Employment law guide
Updated to include information on the launch of a consultation on the Good Jobs Employment Rights Bill in Northern Ireland.
- Date:
- 8 November 2023
- Type:
- Commentary and insights
The Workers (Predicable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023 has now received Royal Assent. But will it fix the problem of zero hours contracts and precarious work? Probably not, says XpertHR consultant editor Darren Newman, who casts an eye over Labour's plans for a "New Deal" and points to a forgotten proposal with the potential to make a real difference.
- Date:
- 26 July 2022
- Type:
- Commentary and insights
Consultant editor Darren Newman argues that more restrictive trade union laws, such as the lifting of the ban on using agency workers during industrial action and an increase in the level of damages that can be awarded against unions for unlawful industrial action, are not the answer to tackling the current wave of industrial unrest.
- Date:
- 25 January 2022
- Type:
- Podcasts and webinars
We highlight key cases due to be decided in 2022 and discuss their impact on HR. These include cases on: vicarious liability, holiday pay, agency workers, compulsory retirement ages, and coronavirus-related health and safety cases. We will also be reflecting on the key decisions from last year and look forward to the case law trends likely to emerge this year.
- Type:
- Interactive flowcharts
Use this agency workers flowchart where you wish to take on a temporary agency worker as a permanent employee.
- Type:
- Employment law cases
In Angard Staffing Solutions Ltd and another v Kocur and another; Kocur and another v Angard Staffing Solutions Ltd and another, the Employment Appeal Tribunal made a number of determinations about agency worker rights, including that agency workers are not entitled to apply for, or to be considered for vacancies on the same terms as directly recruited employees.
- Type:
- Employment law cases
In Kocur and others v Angard Staffing Solutions Ltd and another, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that a worker supplied by an agency to work temporarily for Royal Mail was an agency worker, despite the fact that he was supplied exclusively to Royal Mail on a regular basis over four years.
- Type:
- FAQs